We are not a typical escort service and cannot be compared to other escort agencies in Munich or the surrounding area. because we do not provide professional escort models, prostitutes, escorts or prostitutes from Munich. Escorts are mainly girls and women who have a regular job, education or training and who only work as an escort as a "hobby".
and throughout Germany
Escort in Munich - Cherry-girls Escort is the number one address for a first-class date when it comes to finding escort ladies. Enjoy the benefits of our escort service, because our expertise brings with it the necessary ingredients, which guarantee an overall sense of satisfaction for Munich ladies.
The beautiful ladies adhere to the highest standards and provide unbeatable service, be it sexual, social or visual. They have class and elegance, are cultured and educated, and treat you with kindness and charm.
Fulfill a dream with one of the best escort ladies, because our escort ladies attach just as much importance to a comfortable and enjoyable date as you do. Charming ladies offer secret visits to the house and hotel, accompany you to business dinners, to a wedding or to important events. And with great expectation to have a great time together.